The 2019 Shandong Economics 14th Annual Conference andInternational Conference on Economics and Social Scienceswill be held on April 20-21, 2019 in the School of Economics, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong Province.The theme of this annual meeting is: “Challenges of the World: High Quality Economic Development” aims particularly to study different business and economic challenges important for the global economy as a whole. The conference also promotes scientific information interchange and the socio-economic analysis of alloutcomes of decision-making process.
Participants will also benefit from plenary sessions and parallel sessions in which keynote speakers and researchers will present their most recent contributions, an ideal platform to share views and experiences in Economics and Social Sciences related areas.
The conference encourages participation of undergraduate students, master students, PhD students, post-doctoral young researchers, advanced researchers and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions who are interested in the following research areas:
International Finance/International Business/International Management
Banking and Financial Markets
Behavioral Finance
Big Data in Economics and Finance
Corporate Finance and Corporate Sustainability
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Finance, Investment& Real Estate Development
Economic Modeling and Forecasting
Applied Microeconomics/Macroeconomics
Insurance and Risk Management
Management and Marketing Issues
Market Microstructure
Governance of Public Sectors
New Sustainable Development Paradigms
Socio-Economic Innovation and Local Development
Public Administration Performance and Management
Applied Education Economics
Information Technology & e-Governance
Data Analysis and Automated Knowledge Extraction
Social Science Topics
BusinessCycle and PublicHealth
The conference language is Mandarin and English.
Important deadlines
Paper Submission Deadline: March20, 2019
The papers could be written in Chinese or English. Papers should respect the Guideline for Authors (see Chinese version “www.rie.sdu.edu.cn”, English version “www.ecocyb.ase.ro”). Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on correctness, originality, significance and relevance to the special issue topics of interest.The application paper should be sent electronically to [email protected]. Please indicate the title of the 2019 Shandong Economics 14th Annual Conference andInternational Conference on Economics and Social Sciences.
Proceeding and Publication Opportunities
Selected high quality papers that have been presented at the conference will also be recommendedfor publication in one of the following academic journals,
Ø Journal of Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research covered in the following ISI Thomson Reuters Services: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index
Ø Romanian Journal for Economic Forecastingcovered in the following ISI Thomson Reuters Services:Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and Scopus
Peer Review Process: March 21, 2019 - March30, 2019
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. All submitted papers will be accepted to the conference based on a blind review process.
Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: March 31, 2019 by e-mail to the corresponding author.
When submitting the final form of the papers, they will be accompanied by the Registration Form (accessible here) filled in entirely. Papers should be send as .doc files (Word 97-2003 Document).
Presentations: There will be at least one Plenary Session with Invited Speakers and several Parallel Sessions. Inparallel sessions, accepted papers will be grouped into sessions with five to six papers. Eachpaper presentation consists of 20-minute talks, followed at the end by a period for discussionand debate.
Registration Fee:
Academics: RMB 500
Students (each selected paper is limited to oneperson): Free
Conference venue: QINGDAO UNIVERSITY
Further information
Updated information concerning the conference and accommodation arrangements will be provided in due course on the conference webpage.
For any question please contact us onEmail:[email protected].